
Monday, 30 September 2019

my holidays playing fortnite

Today on Monday i was playing fortnite on my ps4 with  Tyson and Cedric my nephew and Cedric friend James we where playing squads we landed at tilted Towers we landed at different houses i was the first one eliminate him but his friend came to eliminate me and then Cedric come out of nowhere and boom he shot his shotgun boom again and i was let go Cedric he got my card and moving on the next one so Tyson got knocked and i said come on you bot  so me and Cedric went to go revive  him  but while we where trying to get Tyson card James got knocked from 2 people but and another two on us so me and Cedric had two each to eliminate i knocked one and then Cedric knocked one as well then and deleted this kid as soon as i deleted that kid i ran as run as i can i edit on him and deleted him so he went back to his lobby to get deleted from someone else but we where top 2 but we got deleted.


  1. Fortnite is kind of cool just lying exodus it is just trash.

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